October 31, 2012

54 :: Fog

Jaana: The only thing missing was a silhouette of a moose or a deer appearing from behind the trees.

Kia: Autumn fog eating up the pond.

October 28, 2012

53 :: Autumn Colors

Jaana: The scenery overhere is looking quite wintry by now, but there are still some autumn colors to be found if you look closely.

Kia: Autumn has arrived bursting with color. The fall foliage has been particularly beautiful this year, the most colorful since I moved here.

October 24, 2012

52 :: Fallen Leaves

Jaana: Decaying rowan leaves sugared with frost.

Kia: The free fall of a little leaf frozen in time by a spider web.

October 21, 2012

51 :: Sunrise

Jaana: sunrise at 08:31, sunset at 17:31, length of the day 9 hours.

Kia: sunrise at 08:02, sunset at 18:01, length of the day 9 hours and 58 minutes.

October 17, 2012

50 :: Berries

Jaana: Our European Rowans (Sorbus aucuparia) are carrying a big crop of berries this year. According to an old proverb, it means that we won't be getting much snow this winter, because the Rowan won't carry two loads.

Kia: Autumn jewels in the shape of berries are dripping from trees and bushes right now. I especially like the deep pink berries of the ornamental Kite-leaf Rowan (Sorbus oligodonta). In Scottish folklore, Rowan trees are said to be protectors against evil and enchantments.

October 14, 2012

49 :: Autumn Bloomers

Jaana: An entire field of Sunflowers got bitten by the first frost before coming to full bloom.

Kia: This variety of stonecrop is called, rather appropriately, Autumn Joy Sedum. Its flowers bloom from August into November.

October 10, 2012

48 :: Mushroom

Jaana: The beautiful Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) is the most common poisonous mushroom in Finland, and luckily one of the easiest to identify.

Kia: A meaty and edible Macrolepiota procera, commonly known as the Parasol Mushroom, growing in a grassy meadow.

October 7, 2012

47 :: Autumn Reflection

Jaana: Mirror, mirror...

Kia: The beauty of autumn colors is emphasized by its reflection.

October 3, 2012

46 :: Urban Autumn

Jaana: After all the greens of the summer, I'm happy to see autumn coloring the landscapes.

Kia: The autumn foliage of ivy is so pretty and bright.